Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's The Little Things In Life..

Since it's 2010, people have acquired an extremely distorted list of priorities. These days, it's only cool to be on facebook, or to go to concerts, or to party, or whatever else. It's really upsetting to me that people have let themselves forget the importance of the little things in life. I think it's the greatest thing in the world to go on walks with my friends. No facebook, no expensive car with the top down, just a walk that consists of talking about everything in life. I love sunsets, and how looking at one can make you just KNOW that somewhere out there, someone exists that's unfathomable. I love seeing my friends smile, and hearing them laugh, because in my opinion, God reveals Himself the most through your best friends and/or family. I love butterfinger blizzards (if you haven't had one, you've gotta try it!) I love a summer day, where all you have to do is throw on a bikini, a tanktop, some shorts, some flip flops, gather some friends, and do whatever you feel like doing all day long. I love when people who don't know me hold the door open for me. Not because of guilt that they did something to hurt me, not because they have to, but because they genuinely wanted to. I love driving with my friends with the windows down blaring whatever ridiculous backstreet boys song the radio decided to play at that moment. Sometimes it's the spice girls, and that's even better! I love love love playing Hey Soul Sister on my ukulele while my friends sing along. I love riding four-wheelers and listening to country music, even though that day I chose to wear my vans and have tattoos. The point of this isn't to just list off things that I love. The point is to make it known that the simple things in life still exist. Forget about your 9:00 a.m. appointment to the plastic surgeon that your hand-held calendar just notified you of. Forget about how you can't go a morning without a visit to Starbucks Coffee. Forget about that perfect manicure/pedicure you get every month, even during the winter. The simple life is the best life. Why does everyone think it's so important to follow a routine life that never lets you have fun anymore? Go on a walk with your best friend. Go try a butterfinger blizzard even though your $100 an hour dietitian told you it'll cause cardiac arrest by late 40's. Stop being so obsessed with the material world and realize what's really truly important in life. It's not your caramel latte from Starbuck's, it's not your expensive sports car, it's not how the competition you have every year to be better than your neighbor at putting up a Christmas display, it's not how much you spend on your refined tucked-in pinstripe button up shirt with a fancy tie that you wear to the job you can't stand. Life is about doing everything you can everyday to make sure you're doing your part to make God's earth a better place to live, and doing the things He calls us to do. I'm nowhere near perfect, there are times that the material world gets the best of me and I forget what really matters in life. But after a short time, I catch up to myself and realize that I'm wasting my life on things that won't matter in 5 years, heck, even in five minutes. Don't wait until years later to decide you're ready to make things count, make them count right now. Instead of that shopping trip to Abercrombie to buy that new bikini you're just dying to have, call up your friends, go out for some ice cream. Make today matter, and notice all the small things. The sky. The birds chirping when you first wake up. How your best friend looks hilarious when she's sleeping. How if you put your thumb out and close one eye, you can cover the sun and realize how small you really are. Realize that loving each other and being there for each other are the only jobs that you can't get fired from, you can't get a really cheesy sticker that says super! And most importantly, let God teach you everything there is to know, instead of thinking you have it all figured out.